For the longest time, I been staring through my window. I see movements, people choosing direction & driving to it. And sometimes, someone even stopped by and drag me out from my self-imposed cell. And occasionally, I allowed them.
There, I was having my child eye, Seeing, feeling & wondering...what they want me to see? My inner me asking... "Should I see what they want me to see, or feel what they felt or just stop wondering and be drag by their flow. "
Then, I'm back on my window. Look out to put sense to all these. My eyes are tired.... I shut it down. It jolt me. I see images of people I cared. A smile say it all. There's no used to putting sense. Because there, they are my SENSE. I have them with me all this time.
Maya, you write very well...i love the flow your your words and it is so soothing, and carries a lot of meaning. Let them be them...they are your senses .....
FARAH,i'm having my big cheese smile reading your output. So flattered!! coming from you. Wow!!!
I normally scribble these type of thoughts. & never let anyone read them. Thank you.
Beautiful words, Beautiful photo.
LYN.... Thank you so much.Never did thought,i could write but often I ramble. Wish you see u more.
Maya, now, you should consider letting others read your thought too...share your mind with us, will you? :)
Thanks FARAH... hope if you see the other me. you wont stop visiting me.its a hint!!!
Maya, THIS is for you...
oh btw, I dont think I will stop visiting your blog Maya! you are now one of my blogging friends! :)
Hi Maya! I love the way you write. IT's very inspiring..keep on writing. will often visit u here. tc
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